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  • Gottman Certified Group

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    Relationships with a partner can often be difficult. Each person brings in something different from prior to the relationship. This can make the relationship difficult even in the best of times. Most couples do not take a course on communication prior to entering a romantic relationship.

    John & Julie Gottman are the foremost leaders in the world on couples counselling. Their research institution has informed couples counselling globally. The Gottman’s created a program that helps people in romantic relationships create a strong foundation for their relationship. Building off of that they strengthen communication styles by teaching couples how to work through their solvable and unsolvable problems.

    At the Calgary Institute of Counselling, we are pleased to offer a fully certified Gottman Group Facilitator who can lead couples through their world renowned and help couples grow closer together and stronger.

    This 11-week group provides opportunities for couples to learn and to practice these skills with a counsellor there to help with coaching. The benefit of a group is that it is $65/person, $130 per couple, as opposed to $220/session with a Psychologist.

    The group begins October 2, 2024 @ 7PM

    The following skills are discussed:

    · Initial individualized meeting with a Psychologist to learn your goals

    · How to Make a Relationship Work?

    · Principle 1: Know Your Partner’s World

    · Principle 2: Cherish Your Partner

    · Principle 3: Turning Toward Each Other

    · Principle 4: Let Your Partner Influence You

    · Two Kinds of Marital Conflict: Solvable and Perpetual Problems

    · Principle 5: Solve Your Solvable Problems

    · Coping With Typical Solvable Problems

    · Principle 6: Overcome Perpetual Issues

    · Principle 7: Create Shared Meaning

    · Maintenance and relapse prevention