When Should You Seek A Relationship Counselor?

There seems to be a preconception that the only and best time to seek the guidance and support of a relationship counselor is if the relationship is on the cusp of breaking down and things have gotten really bad. But, actually, your Calgary Psychologists are here to help whenever you may need it. You may consider your situation trivial but when it comes to your relationship, we can help.

Whether you are no longer feeling emotionally safe or heard, growing apart, no longer communicating effectively, facing struggles with keeping intimacy going in the relationship, our psychologists, using their knowledge, skill and therapy model to increase your communication and provide those tools to restore communication.

In the majority of relationships, struggles start off small and over time they grow in size and couples can find they disconnect further. By addressing the issues early on, couples can learn and gain the tools and techniques to improve conflict resolution. 

The areas covered, that our psychologists work in include:

  • Affair Recovery
  • Communication Difficulties
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Emotional Abuse
  • Growing Apart
  • Parenting
  • Separation and Divorce
  • Sex and  Intimacy

What Is Relationship Counselling?

In Calgary counselling, we provide a safe, supportive, non-judgemental space to help you both pave the way through any struggles you may be facing. By getting to know you, we will firstly be able to identify the problems you may be facing.  From understanding the problems that you are facing and identifying the goals that you both want to achieve from this, your Calgary Psychologist will be able to specifically tailor your therapy to meet your individual needs. 

From this the Psychologist will then provide their approach to therapy and explain how this model will be able to be used and can benefit you in your current struggles. Primarily by using two different forms of counselling our psychologists are able to effectively assist in repairing communication and decrease tensions allowing your relation to start healing and then strengthening. 

The first therapy tools used are from Gottman Counselling, which is the one of the most well known and recognised couple counselling models throughout the world. The aim of this type of therapy is to increase closeness, address conflict productively and work with you to rebuild a life of shared meaning. 

Once the tension struts to lift, the phycologists can then start to focus and work with you both on building back the connection between you both and each of your emotional safety. When within a relationship your partner is not hearing your emotions, you don’t have an emotional safe base and can struggle to be honest and vulnerable with how you feel. To do this they focus on using tools from emotion focused therapy counselling. Our beliefs are that at the heart of a strong healthy relationship is a strong base built upon an emotional base. Once an emotional base is built, we have found that couples can work together to withstand any future struggles that may arise during their relationship. 

See https://counsellinginstitute.ca/ for further information.