How To Treat Anger Management Issues

Defining Anger Issues

Anger is an instinctual response to threats, a certain level of anger is a healthy part of human survival. For some individuals, anger becomes an issue, for instance, when a person loses the ability to control their anger. When anger issues escalate that person may do and say things that they end up regretting. Uncontrolled anger can easily lead to verbal and physical violence, causing harm to other people.

According to Everyday Health, anger has a dramatic effect on a person’s cardiac health. Research showed that ‘in the two hours after an angry outburst, the chance of having a heart attack doubles.’ There’s also evidence that uncontrolled anger can increase your risk of having a stroke, and weaken your immune system.

What Are The Most Common Causes Of Anger Issues?

Anger has many different triggers, varying from person to person. Some of the most common causes of anger issues include relationship or family problems, financial problems, and general stress. Anger can also be associated with underlying health disorders, including depression, OCD, and other mental health conditions.

How To Treat Anger Management Issues?

If you’re wondering how to treat anger management issues, there are plenty of different options. Here are a few general tips to get anger under control:

1 . Think First

When anger rises up many people find themselves making the wrong decision. Actions and words expressed in anger aren’t usually productive. When you feel angry at someone, take a step back from the situation if possible. Attempt to deal with the issue when you feel calmer.

2. Express Yourself

When you’re feeling calm and logical it’s perfectly okay to express your anger. Your expression should not be confrontational, and you should avoid raising your voice. There’s nothing wrong with being assertive, and saying how you feel. You should seek to get your point across without trying to control anyone.

3. Identify Solutions

If possible, try to identify solutions to the problem, this may require work on your part, and the person you are arguing with. Brainstorming solutions can prevent further incidents from arising, and help everyone to move forward.

4. Find Relaxation Methods

Look for ways to soothe your anger, relaxing practices can be helpful from yoga to mediation and deep breathing. It’s helpful to do this once you’ve removed yourself from the situation of conflict.

5. Anger Management Treatment

Sometimes people cannot manage their anger issues on their own, and they need a little support. In this case the individual will need to seek out anger management treatment and counseling.

Anger Management In Canada

In some cases, individuals are mandated to undertake an anger management program. The Calgary Institute of Counselling works with people who require these services. The institute offers a program especially designed to help people make sense of their anger, and their triggers. The program covers a range of different areas including strategies to decrease anger and how to express anger healthily. To treat anger management issues today, contact the Calgary Institute of Counselling. If you’re looking to learn about anger management in Canada, our counseling service can help.