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6 ways to Improve the Treatment of Depression and Anxiety in Adults

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), around 25% of adults in the U.S are struggling with depression, anxiety, or both. Anxiety in teens is also quite prevalent. Even though these feelings are overwhelming or you feel like you will never snap back from depression or anxiety, there are treatment options for everyone.

While therapy is the most popular form of treatment, your Doctor may recommend medication and/or a combination of both with the self help techniques. Although these treatment methods are effective, the following tips can help make therapy and medication more effective and can allow you to take a more holistic, long-term approach. Take a look at these six tips.

1. Exercise

Exercise alone can help with mild depression and anxiety in adults. However, it would be best to seek professional help for moderate to severe depression and anxiety. Even when on treatment, you can pair that with exercise.

Studies show that the serotonin boost that comes with exercise goes a long way in improving your mood, boosting self-confidence, creating a sense of empowerment and the list goes on and on. These things are essential in improving the treatment of depression in adults and teens too.

2. Diet

Seeking medication and therapy for anxiety and depression is a huge milestone. You can further improve the results by eating a healthy diet. You might wonder what your diet has to do with depression and anxiety. If your diet is poor, it might lack the nutrients necessary to produce neurotransmitters, provoking anxiety and depression symptoms.

An excellent place to start would be eating fresh, whole foods, drinking lots of water, and taking supplemental probiotics. You might also consider going decaf in coffee and soda and cutting the sweetened beverages.

3. Get Good Sleep

The neurotransmitters that support your mood are replenished with sleep. That means if you don’t get adequate quality sleep, your mood will definitely suffer. Ensure you get adequate rest in both length and quality.

4. Social Support

Isolation and loneliness are risk factors for depression, and having social support networks can help with that. Understandably, anxiety can sometimes lead to avoidance of people altogether. However, healthy relationships with friends and family can help ease anxiety in teens and adults equally.

You can even bond with a pet or start volunteering. While you’re at it, however, setting healthy boundaries is also appropriate and can help with anxiety. Through healthy, professional therapy for anxiety and depression, you can learn how to set boundaries.

5. Have a Purpose

Having a strong sense of purpose helps you deal better with the ups and downs of life. It acts as a buffer against obstacles, helping you remain positive even after a difficult day. To invest in purpose, set aside time to reflect on your values and goals and work on them.

Using your gifts and talents to benefit others gives you unmatched satisfaction and purpose. That goes a long way in helping with depression in adults.

6. Positive Emotional Response

Negative attitudes can upset your body’s hormonal balance. To keep the negative attitudes away, you should consider mental training, such as meditation and/or positive thinking. Therapy for anxiety and depression can also prove helpful.

Parting Thoughts

Making slight adjustments in your lifestyle can significantly improve treatment for depression and anxiety in adults. Make the right changes to make the treatment work faster and prevent the problem from crawling back.